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2006 Software Metadata Only Access
Cignoni P
Metro: strumento per il confronto geometrico di superfici triangolate basato sulla misura di Hausdorff. Il sistema è diventato lo strumento di riferimento, da quasi dieci anni, nell'ambito della comunità scientifica internazionale. Metro, aggiornato regolarmente, è attualmente utilizzato praticamente da tutti i maggiori centri di ricerca nel mondo per valutare in modo oggettivo la differenza tra due superfici triangolate. Più di 350 articoli scientifici ne citano esplicitamente il suo utilizzo. Sorgente e binari sono distribuiti liberamente sotto licenza GPL.

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted

2015 Software Metadata Only Access
gCube Home Library. Release 2.1
Marioli V
Home Library is a library that uses Apache Jackrabbit, a Java Content Repository, to store and manage content. Using Home Library users can upload files, create groups, set permissions on an folder and share it with other users. Home Library is also provided with a trash folder to prevent accidental deletion of files.Project(s): IMARINE via OpenAIRE

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted | www.gcube-system.org Restricted

2020 Software Open Access OPEN
Stratego formal models and experiments for the paper published at FORTE2020
Basile D
This is the Uppaal Stratego model published at FORTE2020 https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-030-50086-3_1

See at: github.com Open Access | CNR IRIS Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted

2019 Software Metadata Only Access
Manca M, Paternò F, Santoro C, Iannuzzi N, Broccia G, Pulina F
3755 Registered users on 2023-05-24. 82817 Single pages have been evaluated since May the 10th 2021. 8924 Projects have been created since September the 29th 2019 for a total of 155506 validated pages.

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted | mauve.isti.cnr.it Restricted

2022 Software Metadata Only Access
Image analysis and recognition system for artworks
Bolettieri P
Image analysis and recognition system realised for Cy4Gate subcontracting project. The system is able to recognise artworks in a database of millions of images.

See at: gitea-s2i2s.isti.cnr.it Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted

2014 Software Metadata Only Access
gCube Brazilian Flora SPD plugin.
Marioli V
Brazilian Flora SPD plugin is a plugin of the Species Products Discovery service that interacts with The List of Species of the Brazilian Flora. The data exchange format for publishing checklist data based on Darwin Core (DwC), a standard for biodiversity dataProject(s): IMARINE via OpenAIRE

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted

2015 Software Metadata Only Access
dnet-basic-aggregator: release 1.0
Artini M, Atzori C, Bardi A, Castelli D, Dell'Amico A, La Bruzzo S, Manghi P, Mannocci
http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.31693DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.31693
Project(s): OPENAIREPLUS via OpenAIRE

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted

2013 Software Metadata Only Access
Choreos MultiSource Monitoring Framework
Calabrò A, De Angelis G
The deployment and the execution of applications on dynamic Cloud infrastructures introduces new requirements of adaptability with respect to monitoring. Specifically, the governance of service choreographies enacted over Cloud-based solutions relies on the observation and analysis of events happening at different abstraction layers. Adaptability requirements are even more evident when monitoring deals with Service Level Agreements (SLA) established among the choreography participants. In fact, as the Cloud paradigm offers on-demand solutions as a service, often monitoring rules cannot be completely defined off-line. Thus also the monitoring infrastructure must keep track of the continuous evolution of the underlying environment, and adapt itself accordingly. The software realize an architecture that can synthesize on-the-fly SLA monitoring rules following the evolution of the Cloud infrastructure.Project(s): CHOREOS via OpenAIRE

See at: github.com Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted

2006 Software Restricted
Finite element code NOSA-Version 2.0
Padovani C, Pagni A, Pasquinelli G
È stata redatta la versione 2.0 del codice agli elementi finiti NOSA per analisi strutturali non lineari. In particolare sono stati integrati nel NOSA i modelli e gli algoritmi per la soluzione di problemi di dinamica non lineare. Sono stati inoltre introdotti elementi piani triangolari e si è completata l’implementazione dei sottoprogrammi per l’analisi strutturale di volte e cupole in muratura.

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted

2010 Software Metadata Only Access
MARIA environment
Manca M, Paternò F, Santoro C, Spano L D, Sisti C
The MARIA Environment provides a novel solution able to exploit task models (represented in the ConcurTaskTrees notation) and user interface models (in the MARIA language) for the design and development of interactive applications based on Web services for various types of platforms (desktop, smartphones, vocal, multimodal, ...). In this process the tool is able to automatically import service and annotation descriptions and support interactive association of basic system tasks with Web services operations. Then, a number of semi-automatic transformations are able to exploit the information in such service and annotation descriptions to derive usable multi-device service front ends.

See at: giove.isti.cnr.it Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted

2010 Software Metadata Only Access
Leporini B, Contini E, Calabrò A
Book4All fornisce un supporto semi-automatico agli operatori per adattare documenti elettronici per studenti ipovedenti. Lo strumento può essere utilizzato per convertire un e-book PDF in un formato accessibile e utilizzabile, leggibile su computer desktop o su dispositivi mobili come XHTML e DAISY.

See at: hci.isti.cnr.it Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted

2003 Software Metadata Only Access
QuARS: Quality Analyzer for Requirement Specifications
Fabbrini F, Fusani M, Gnesi S, Lami G, Trentanni G
The tool QuARS (Quality Analyzer for Requirement Specifications) is based on a quality model composed of a set of high-level quality properties for NL requirements to be evaluated by means of syntactic and structural indicators directly detectable and measurable looking at the sentences in requirement document. This quality model, even though not exhaustive, is sufficiently specific to include a significant part of the lexical and syntax-related issues of requirement documents. QuARS receives as input a text document and provides the user with the indication of those sentences of the document that, according to the quality model, have to be considered as defective.

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted

2007 Software Metadata Only Access
Virtual Inspector: un applicativo per la fruizione interattiva di beni culturali
Ponchio F
Il sistema Virtual Inspector consente all'utente non esperto di visualizzare un modello geometrico di grandi dimensioni interattivamente su standard pc. VI present il modello e tutti i dati multimediali che sono collegati a punti della superficie. VI impiega una interfaccia utente facile da utilizzare, basata sulla metafore “point and click”. L'efficienza in visualizzazione è ottenuta, senza sacrificare la qualità, utilizzando techniche allo stato dell'arte sulla rappresentazione a livello di dettaglio. Infine, l'uso di una codific aXML per la struttura dell GUI rende VI flessibile e facilmente configurabile

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted

2015 Software Metadata Only Access
Time-dependent gene network modelling by sequential Monte Carlo. GeneNetParticleFilter - MatLab codes
Ancherbak S, Kuruoglu E E
This document describes the MatLab codes used to perform gene network modelling. Our aim is by tracking gene expression data undergone due to different external perturbations in a gene network in time domain to model conditional dependencies between random variables (gene expression values) across time epochs, and to learn online a time varying gene network. The methodology used is particle filtering or sequential Monte Carlo. structure.

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted

2007 Software Open Access OPEN
GEO Digital Library
Biagioni S, Carlesi C, Giannini S
GEO è un sistema per la gestione della biblioteca digitale omonima dedicata alla raccolta di documenti nell'ambito delle ricerche applicate ai campi della geotermia, dell'idrogeologia, della geologia, della geochimica ambientale e nel confinamento dei gas serra. Geo nasce come applicazione del software application system OCTOPUS e dall'esperienza fatta con l'applicazione PUMA-PUblication MAnagement.

See at: CNR IRIS Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted

2006 Software Metadata Only Access
Carfì D, Atzori M, Giannotti F
k-PRIVACY is a Java implementation of the well-known Datafly anonymization algorithm. It enforces anonymity of tuples in a given (private) table by generalizing and suppressing some tuples. k-PRIVACY protects from linking attacks by providing a k-anonymous (public) table that can be safely shared. It comes with both a graphic user interface and a command line console. Please refer to work on k-anonymity for details on this privacy-preserving technology.

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted

2015 Software Metadata Only Access
gCube Social Networking Cloud: share-updates
Assante M
The D4Science social networking facilities manifest in a number of applications made available through a thin client Web Browser are conceptually close to the common facilities promoted by social networks - e.g., posting news, commenting on posted news - yet adapted to deal with large scale collaboration and cooperation on comprehensive scientific products, data sets, theories and tools. The Share Updates enables (a) users to post updates or interesting links to others (this could be done with any social network) and (b) applications to post updates such as the avail- ability of a new product or facility. Moreover it allows to mention other users and to define topics in a post by using the hashtag character.Project(s): IMARINE via OpenAIRE

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted | www.gcube-system.org Restricted

2020 Software Open Access OPEN
4SECURail D 2.2: Sparx EA artifacts and technical documentation
Basile D
This is the model, generated source code, exported xmi model, and technical report of the Communication Supervision Layer of the UNISIG Subset 98 developed with Sparx Enterprise Architect for the Deliverable 2.2 of the 4SECURail projectProject(s): 4SECURAIL via OpenAIRE

See at: CNR IRIS Open Access | zenodo.org Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted

2006 Software Metadata Only Access
Leporini B, Paternò F
MAGENTA (Multi-Analysis of Guidelines by an ENhanced Tool for Accessibility) is a tool that supports the inspection-based evaluation of accessibility and usability guidelines. MAGENTA supports three sets of guidelines: - guidelines for visually-impaired; - guidelines of WCAG 1.0 (W3C); - guidelines included in the Italian law on accessibility.

See at: hci.isti.cnr.it Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted

2003 Software Metadata Only Access
Pasquinelli G, Padovani C, Pagni A
NOSA (NOn-Linear Structural Analysis) is a finite element code for non-linear structural analysis. The development of NOSA began in 1980 and has continued over the ensuing years along the research lines of the MMS Lab. The first version of the code included plane, three-dimensional and axisymmetric isoparametric elements and allowed for elastic-plastic analyses in the presence of infinitesimal strains. The code has subsequently been extended to include cases of finite strains and contact problems, based on studies performed on both the constitutive equations and the methods for numerical integration of the equations of motion, in the presence of follower forces. At the same time, an eight-node thin-shell element was added to the element library. Subsequently, the constitutive equation for masonry-like materials has been added to the code with the purpose of studying the static of masonry solids and modelling restoration and strengthening operations on constructions of particular architectural interest. The code was then enhanced to be able to perform non-linear heat-conduction analysis on solids even in the non-stationary case, with boundary conditions concerning temperature and thermal fluxes. Today, the code allows for thermo-mechanical analysis of no-tension solids whose mechanical characteristics depend on temperature, in the presence of thermal loads.

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted