Order By: alphabetically | count
Artificial Intelligence for Media and Humanities (2021-ongoing) 282
Creative Virtual Systems (2002-2008) 14
Dependable Computing (2002-2011) 106
Domotics (2002-2016) 81
Formal Methods and Tools (2002-ongoing) 1040
High Performance Computing (2002-ongoing) 933
Human Interfaces in Information Systems (2002-ongoing) 569
Information Systems Technology (2002-2016) 95
Infrastructures for Science (2021-ongoing) 298
Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (2002-ongoing) 806
Mechanics of Materials and Structures (2002-ongoing) 262
Networked Multimedia Information System (2002-2020) 2390
Servizi Internet (2002-ongoing) 10
Signals and Images (2002-ongoing) 2034
Software Engineering & Dependable Computing (2012-ongoing) 345
Software Engineering (2002-2011) 196
Space Flight Dynamics (2002-ongoing) 545
System and Software Evaluation (2002-ongoing) 224
Visual Computing (2002-ongoing) 705
Wireless Networks (2002-ongoing) 1204
World Wide Web Consortium (2002-2009) 96