Journal article  Open Access

Providing research infrastructures with data publishing

Assante M, Candela L, Manghi P, Pagano P, Castelli D

Data publishing  Science 2.0 Repositories  SciRepos 

The purpose of data publishing is to release research data for others to use. However, its implementation remains an open issue. 'Science 2.0 Repositories' (SciRepos) address the publishing requirements arising in Science 2.0 by blurring the distinction between research life-cycle and research publishing. SciRepos interface with the ICT services of research infrastructures to intercept and publish research products while providing researchers with social networking tools for discovery, notification, sharing, discussion, and assessment of research products.

Source: ERCIM NEWS, vol. 100, pp. 20-21

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BibTeX entry
	title = {Providing research infrastructures with data publishing},
	author = {Assante M and Candela L and Manghi P and Pagano P and Castelli D},
	year = {2015}

Data e-Infrastructure Initiative for Fisheries Management and Conservation of Marine Living Resources