Software  Metadata Only Access

MARIA environment

Manca M, Paternò F, Santoro C, Spano L D, Sisti C

MARIA language  Task models  Web services  CTT  Interactive applications  Software design  Software development 

The MARIA Environment provides a novel solution able to exploit task models (represented in the ConcurTaskTrees notation) and user interface models (in the MARIA language) for the design and development of interactive applications based on Web services for various types of platforms (desktop, smartphones, vocal, multimodal, ...). In this process the tool is able to automatically import service and annotation descriptions and support interactive association of basic system tasks with Web services operations. Then, a number of semi-automatic transformations are able to exploit the information in such service and annotation descriptions to derive usable multi-device service front ends.

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BibTeX entry
	title = {MARIA environment},
	author = {Manca M and Paternò F and Santoro C and Spano L D and Sisti C},
	year = {2010}